
4月30日,加拿大环球新闻网(Global News)发表了记者萨姆•库珀(Sam Cooper)先生的“中国统战部在加拿大协助北京囤积新冠肺炎防护装备”的报导。报导称,新冠病毒在中国流行初期,许多加拿大华人大量购买口罩运回中国以支援国内抗疫行为,是中国驻各地领事馆组织的政府行为。他声称,加拿大华人在中国统战部领导下,“每一位海外华人都是勇士”!他危言耸听地说,中国企图通过囤积和控制全球的个人防护装备,以控制加拿大政府的政治决策和民主精神。


环球新闻网(Global News)截图




环球新闻网(Global News)记者萨姆•库珀(Sam Cooper)


萨姆•库珀在报导中还直指加拿大华人社团联席会(CACA)是中国统战部下属的团体,这更是不折不扣的造谣污蔑!加拿大华人社团联席会是在BC省注册的非政治、非宗教、非谋利的加拿大社团组织,自2008年在温哥华成立以来,除为会员单位提供服务外,主要工作就是从事慈善公益事业,十几年间为南亚海啸、尼泊尔地震、中国地震、日本地震、台湾风灾、温哥华风灾、阿尔伯塔省火灾、BC省火灾、赈济叙利亚难民、救助列治文孤儿、为本那比总医院和列治文总医院捐款等等慈善公益事业,捐款数额巨大。其中,2016年为阿尔伯塔省特大火灾捐款27万加元,2017年为BC省火灾捐款14万加元。就是这次抗击新冠疫情,联席会先是为中国捐款捐物,当疫情在加拿大蔓延时,又立即为本地社区捐款捐物。联席会主席陈永涛联系在中国的亲友千方百计购买医用物资,又在运输极度困难的条件下,把购买到的医用物资空运到温哥华,并分别把这些物资(30,000个医用口罩、1,000件防护服以及支票,约合12万加元)捐赠给温哥华总医院、列治文总医院和本那比总医院等机构 。



























环球新闻网及其记者不做调查了解,完全无视十几年来加拿大华人社团联席会为加拿大、为本地社区所做的巨大贡献,完全无视联席会近期为大温哥华地区捐赠款项和防疫物资,单单拿出联席会为中国防疫捐赠物资,就说该会是在为北京抢购、囤积物资,还污指该会是中国统战部的下属,我们要问:这种指责证据何在?更为恶劣的是该报导将一句来自中国文件的文字“每一位海外华人都是抗疫的勇士”(Every overseas Chinese is a warrior against theepidemic),翻译为“Every overseas Chineseis a warrior”(每⼀位海外华⼈都是勇⼠),报道中故意撇去最重要的“抗疫”一词,从而歪曲原意达到煽情的效果。









A Strong Demand for an Apology from Global News to the Chinese Community in Canada
On 30 April, a report titled “United Front Groups in Canada Helped Beijing Stockpile Coronavirus Safety Supplies” written by a Mr. Sam Cooper was published in Global News. The report alleged that the procurement of masks in large quantity by many Canadian Chinese to be shipped back to China in support of its combat against the Coronavirus that was raging the country was a governmental action initiated by Chinese consulates all over the world. He also alleged that “Every Overseas Chinese is a Warrior!” under the leadership of the United Front Work Department of China. He even went further in an alarmist tone that China, by stockpiling and controlling the global PPE, aims at compromising the political decision making and democracy of Canada. 
What a palpable lie it is! The voluntary donations by the Canadian Chinese to support the combat against the Coronavirus in their motherland was vilified as an act dictated by the Chinese government to stockpile PPE for Beijing. Every Canadian Chinese has family members, close relatives and friends living in China. Each Canadian Chinese was so gravely concerned, and heartbroken upon sad news of infections, hospitalization and deaths of relatives or friends during such a catastrophe. What could be wrong when they purchased and shipped medical supplies to save their fellow countrymen under such circumstances? Did they need to be organized by the Chinese consulates? Such act on the part of the Canadian Chinese is nothing but humanitarian, benevolent and charitable deeds! Should similar calamities occur in England and France, wouldn’t our Anglophones and Franco-phones done the same thing? It takes such a heartless soul to give such a bad name to such good deeds!
In his report Sam Cooper named specifically CACA as a subordinate organization under United Front Work Department of China. This again is an out-and-out slander! CACA is a non-profit, non-political and non-religious society registered in BC. Since its inception in 2008, CACA’s major functions focus on social charities in addition to services to its members. Charitable campaigns and huge amount of fund raising have been conducted over the last decade for hurricane in South Asia, earthquakes in Nepal, China and Japan, cyclones in Taiwan and Vancouver, Forest fires in Alberta, flood in BC, refugees of Syria, orphans in Richmond, as well as for Burnaby General Hospital and Richmond General Hospital. Among them, $270,000 for Fire in Alberta in 2016, $140,00 for Fire in BC in 2017. During this combat against Covid-19, CACA initiated donations both in cash and in kind, to China early on, and then, when the epidemic began to raze Canada, CACA took the lead to donate funds as well as supplies to local communities. Mr. Yongtao Chen, the Chairman of CACA, contacted his friends and relatives in China to procure medical supplies and, despite the extremely difficult transportation conditions, air-freighted such procurement back to Vancouver, and donated these supplies(30,000 clinical masks, 1000 protective gowns plus cheque) to Vancouver General Hospital, Richmond General Hospital and Richmond General Hospital respectively( Attached are Letters of Appreciation and donation photos).
And there were more: those societies and association affiliated to CACA- Canadian Alliance of Chinese Associations, such as: Vancouver FuQing Friendship Society and FuQing Chamber of Commerce, Canada Shandong Chinese Business Association, Hebei Business Society of Canada, Canada, United Global Chinese Women’s Association of Canada, Canada Jiangsu Overseas Federation Society, Guangdong-Hongkong-Macau Alliance of Business Association of Canada, Guangzhou Fellow-Students Association of Canada, Chinese Culture Trade Association of Canada & Shanghai, Haihe Fellowship Association of Canada, Lingnan Association of Canada, Guizhou Chamber of Commerce of North America, Guizhou Canadian Fellowship Association, Sichuanese Friendship Association, United Jiangxi Business Council of Canada, Vancouver Jiangxi Fellowship Association, Canada Fujian Industry & Commerce Association, Shenzhen United Association of Vancouver, The Chinese Cultural Harmony And Unity Society of Canada, North America Zhejiang (TaiZhou) Chamber of Commerce, VCCPS-Vancouver Chinese Culture Promotion Society, Canada Wenzhou Friendship Society, etc. They all donated respectively to hospitals, senior homes and charity agencies with funds and supplies to combat Covid-19 (Attached are details of those donations).
Not bothering themselves with further investigation, totally ignoring the tremendous contributions to Canada and local communities by CACA over the decade in general and its recent donations to Greater Vancouver during the pandemic in particular, Global news and its reporter singled out our donation to China in support of its counter Covid-19 efforts, and labeled CACA as one of the subsidiary organization of United Front Work Department of China to hoard and stockpile PPE for China. One could not help asking: what are their proofs for such allegations? Even more malicious was the deliberate editing of one quotation from a Chinese document, namely, “Every overseas Chinese is a warrior against the epidemic”, into “Every overseas Chinese is a warrior”. The intentional omission of the key phrase “against the epidemic” was intended for sensationalism by altering its connotation.
The stigmatization of the humanitarian acts of the Canadian Chinese harbors an ulterior motive. It was echoing the “Conspiracy Theory” trumpeted by US President Donald Trump to finger-point China as the culprit by picturing the Canadian Chinese as a group totally manipulated by the Chinese government so as to incite discrimination and hatred sentiments against the Chinese community. Such racial discrimination phenomenon, though condemned and boycotted by the Canadian government and the mainstream public, still scrabbles for an upsurge whenever there is any chance. As a reporter of a major Canadian media, Mr. Sam Cooper forsook his objectivity, buried himself in hearsay, spiced it with his own subjective speculations and came up with a fake news report. He has thus made himself an instigator of racial discrimination against the Canadian Chinese. We challenge his objectivity, fairness, credibility and authenticity in his news reporting! We also have serious concerns about the motive of Mr. Cooper and, Global News for that matter, of writing and publishing such an article.
Though immigrating from China, we have become Canadian citizens or permanent residents. Many have received higher education in Canada. We love Canada and her democracy and equality, peace and freedom, and have deep faith in her social values. We refuse to be manipulated by any political forces. We are making our due contributions to the Canadian society in general, and to social charities. Therefore, this type of stigmatization of CACA and racist propaganda against the Canadian Chinese by an influential news media such as Global News are unacceptable. In view of the extremely negative social repercussion caused by this report,we hereby strongly demand that Global News and Mr. Cooper make a public apology. We also strongly appeal to the Canadian government to condemn unequivocally such racist fake news.